
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


Would you like more information, or would you like speaker(s) to present at your church or fellowship group? If so, please contact us at BiblicalOriginsWyoming@gmail.com.

1. Biblical Origins Wyoming (BOW) formed as a Wyoming non-profit: June/2024.


What is your opinion of the Bible?

There was a time, not so many years ago, when no one would even think to ask this question, because the Bible was the De Facto standard for gauging all other beliefs about the world. This was true whether you believed the Bible’s account of history and salvation or not.

People express opinions about those things that are uncertain and changeable. We have opinions about the weather, politics and the economy, because everyone knows those things can be “all over the map” and no one knows what they are going to be next week. People don’t have opinions about a “Standard” of belief, against which all else is judged, rather they have discussions about how the standard affects them.

The reality today is that more people (percentage wise) than ever before in America have an “opinion” about the Bible, especially those that no longer believe it is “The Standard” by which all other beliefs are measured. So, rather than ask about your opinion of the Bible (opinions are going to be all over the map), perhaps a better question would be: what is your standard of belief?

Can you articulate in 25 words or less what constitutes your standard of belief? Many people might say “science and reason” because “I only believe the facts.” Unfortunately, the COVID epidemic raised the question: whose “facts” are we talking about? This is not the place to discuss the broader impact of COVID, but regardless of your point of view, it is safe to say that the public’s trust in the institutions of science and other “authorities” (including but not limited to the CDC and WHO) have nosedived because too often the “facts” have become muddled with politics, economics and personal interest.

The issues involving COVID may seem isolated and independent of the ideas of science, truth and knowledge, especially the “facts” regarding the origin of the universe, the solar system, the earth, primitive life, and all higher organisms, especially man. However, for all those who hold that there is no relationship between the “soft underbelly” of COVID origin “facts,” and the scientific “facts” regarding the origin of everything that exists, consider that in all matters of consequence, especially involving the reasoning and rationale of mankind, there is always a mingling of politics, economics and personal interest with the facts, which may impact the authenticity of the most “popular” conclusions.

A fundamental and inescapable flaw in reasoning.

Because there are real problems determining what is “real and true,” many people tend to be skeptical about what we can know for certain about the world and our place in it. Frankly, they are 100% right, we will never have certain understanding, if we only have our own knowledge and reason to go by. Something more is needed. Something that is beyond us that has the knowledge and insight that we lack. Many people intuitively recognize this need and hope that super-computers, Aliens, Artificial Intelligence (AI), social justice or extending the human life-span will eventually supply the missing pieces. But there is a fundamental and inescapable flaw in this reasoning.

All the “extensions” we can imagine, like Aliens and AI, have the same limitation that we do, which is being “trapped” within the bubble of physical existence. Do you see the problem? If you or any other being are an inseparable and integral part of what you are trying to understand, then you can never “step outside” of what you are in, in order to perceive and fully understand the very thing you are a part of. We are inextricably a part of the universe, so there are aspects of our existence we can never fully comprehend without help from outside this physical plane of existence, our natural abode.

Is there anyone outside the universe?

Fundamentally, there are only two options, either there is no communication from outside our existence, or there is. The first option is, obviously, a dead-end in every sense of that word. The other option is the only hope of knowing anything of significance about our current existence.

Discovery always begins with making a choice. If you choose to explore the second option then we can consider the criteria by which to judge if there has been any communication from outside our existence, such as: 1) we are likely to be surprised by what is communicated and by the means of communication; 2) we are likely not to be the ones in “control” of the communication; 3) if there is communication, it is likely to have already occurred, because our very existence is founded upon sustained and interactive communication among ourselves.

Has anyone ever communicated with us from outside physical existence?

In ancient times, when mankind sought to “hold back” the chaos that always seemed to be on the verge of “breaking out,” they devised an approach to existence that assumed there was a fundamental continuity, or similarity of being, between humans, nature and the divine (1). If there is continuity among these realms than men could control the world and the divine through rituals and incantations. Today we call this form of belief “paganism” or “mythology.”

Many people have assumed that the Bible is mythological because it dates back in history to a time when mythology ruled the world. However, there is a fundamental difference between pagan belief and the Jewish historical view of God.

In Jewish belief, there are not many gods, but only one God who is transcendent and independent of creation, which is his handiwork that he spoke into existence. Being transcendent, God cannot be controlled and, thus, humanity is utterly dependent on his mercy, love and free choice. By his free choice the Jews were chosen as the people through whom God would communicate to the world. (2)

Some may think that the Jews “invented” God, but a quick review of scripture will reveal that the Jews did not want to be the special, chosen people of God, but God would not let them go and continually called them back to faithfulness, because God has a plan for the world (2).

Regarding our three criteria mentioned above, with respect to the origin of the Jewish nation: 1) God spoke to Moses from a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire; 2) Moses did not want to be God’s spokesman to Israel, but God would not relent; 3) this event is presented as historical fact in the Bible. (3)

While you may have difficulty accepting that scripture is a historical account of God communicating with mankind from outside of our plane of existence, the questions and doubts can be addressed if you are not “boxed” in by this age of skepticism, are open to the possibility of a transcendent God, and are willing to explorer the available evidence. This website and the Biblical Origins Wyoming organization are dedicated to examining the veracity of the Bible within the context of scientific and historical evidence.

Be aware: Scripture comes with a Warning Label. Enter at your own risk…

The material covered on the following pages of this website may challenge you to re-think your understanding, not only of scripture, but perhaps even your life and reality because: …we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. (Hebrews 11:3)

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(1) see Chapter 3; Oswalt, John N.; The Bible among the Myths, © 2009

(2) ibid. Chapter 4

(3) Exodus, Chapter 3

Websites of creation-oriented organizations (alphabetical)

Answers in Genesis (AIG)

Answers Research Journal (affiliated with AIG)

Creation Ministries International (CMI)

Creation Research Society (CRS)

Genetic Entropy

Institute for Creation Research (ICR)

International Creation Conference (ICC)

Websites of Intelligent Design organizations (alphabetical)

Discovery Institute

Discovery U (affiliated with Discovery Institute)

ID the Future (affiliated with Discovery Institute)

Intelligent Design (affiliated with Discovery Institute)

Statement of Belief

  1. God made the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1; John 1:1-5
  2. God is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Baptism of Jesus Matt 3:16-17
  3. God is eternal and self-existing. He is not dependent on any other being or on anything in the creation. God exists outside of time and space, but he is as near to us as our breath. Ex. 3:14-15; John 8:56-58
  4. Scripture is “God Breathed” and is the written account of those who were inspired by the Spirit of God to live their lives in belief and service to God. Ex. 20; Deut. 10, 31; Is. 6; Acts 9; Rev. 4
  5. Genesis is historical and gives an account of the origins of the universe, mankind, sin and the hope of redemption. Gen. 2:4, 10:1, 11:27; Num. 3:1
  6. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth to reclaim and restore all of creation. Rom. 8; Rev. 21
  7. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who suffered and died as the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. Rom. 3:22b-25; 1 John 2:1b-2
  8. All who repent, love God, and turn to Jesus as Lord and Savior in faith will live with God in the renewed creation. Acts 17:30-31; Rom. 7:9; Eph. 1:13-14; 2 Pet. 3:8-9; 1 Thess. 5:8-10

Statement of Purpose

  1. To encourage a belief in scripture as the inspired word of God.
  2. To explain and promote scripture as an historical account of all creation.
  3. To use presentations, discussions, Q&A, and multimedia in a variety of venues to achieve items one and two above.
  4. To make available to the public written and multimedia materials for purchase. Also, to make known links to other organizations that share our beliefs.
  5. To organize and arrange local seminars and conferences from the organizations described in item four above.

Contact information


Board of Directors

Chairman: Mark De Spain

Secretary: David Waterstreet

Treasurer: Jerry Leckie

Web Master

Elizabeth (Beth) Swanson